the Fabulous Francesca

Hey there!
As you know by now, my name is Francesca!  I am a true Southern Belle.  Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and I've loved every. single. solitary. second.  I love to shop, bake, spend time with my hubby, create DIY projects, laugh and have an all around good time.

My husband and I are newlyweds and we've been married for about 3 months now :)  He is just under 7 years older than me and with me a new 25, things can be crazy sometimes and are usually very entertaining.  Our home is full of love, God, and enjoying the simple things in life.  We don't have any children (yet) but we are the happy parents to a betta fish and one of these days I will whine enough convince my hubby into getting a puppy for our new family :)

Weight loss is one of the many things that I am thinking about right now and I will be sharing a lot of my experiences with you. 
I am a work in progress, to say the least, and I am out to better myself.  You'll see postings where I lay it all on the line... my family, my emotions, my weight, and it is because I believe in honesty and I want to be the best ME, I can be.  So please don't use my trust and vulnerability against me as I share my life with you, I'd love to be a part of this fabulous blogging community where women and men can gain support from one another and grow to be better people together!

Come on in and enjoy the ride! 
Love and low calories,